


“What do you think? Should I post this?” I asked a friend a few weeks ago. I had been conflicted and uncertain about a very personal post, doubting whether and how to write the article. Those simple questions started an avalanche of similar doubts and questions and, before long, self-doubt…

“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.” – Kurt Vonnegut In…

One afternoon, about a year ago, I opened the back door to hear the happy squeals and screams of the neighbor kids playing through our backyard. “MOM! Can I go play with my neighbor friends? QUICK! Where are my shoes?” my six-year-old son Jackson breathed out in a rush. “Sure,…

Twice each year, on the Spring and Fall Equinox, the Earth enters a seemingly unattainable stage. That point of solid equilibrium when night equals day, when light equals dark, when this matches that, when Mother Nature holds the Earth gently in her hands and everything exists in a state of…

“We’re going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us.” — Beth Moore I have this pesky little habit. Well, in all honesty, I have several pesky habits, but the one I’m referring to here is the habit that I have…