I’m over at my friend Angie’s site today talking about waves and drowning and floating. Those of you who read this blog regularly will know Angie from our semi-weekly Photo Inspiration Challenge, in which I attempt to put words to the breath-taking beauty of her photographs.
To me, however, Angie is much more than a fabulous photographer; she’s a dear friend, a soul friend. You know, those special people who weave themselves into your life in such a way that there is no escaping each other. Time may pass, circumstances may change, but soul friends are a constant. I am blessed enough to have a handful of soul friends and Angie is one of them. We have known each other since we were shy and awkward 14-year-olds and now we’re shy and awkward 30-something-year-olds. Because Angie is one of those special soul friends, her site is one of the only places that I would feel comfortable sharing the things that I reveal in this post. You can read more here and while you’re over there, you might as well check out her awesome photos, as well. She is an amazingly gifted artist, as well as a pretty awesome person.
Thank you for the such wonderful words, so much more eloquently written than I could ever manage! But the feelings are mutual:)
Amazing post over at Angie’s site, Christie. I left a comment. One of my favorite of your posts – in fact, it is my favorite.
Thanks! That means so much. I was really worried that it would be too much of a downer, but I think we all go through those really rough stretches when we feel like everything is crashing all around us. I’m glad that I wrote it because it has facilitated some really good conversations that might not have happened otherwise.