A couple of weeks ago, the boys and I spent some time gathering up old books for a used book drive. For the better part of an hour, we sorted and organized, deciding which books to keep and which to put in the cardboard donation box. After we had filled…
For Mother’s Day, Huffington Post ask some its writers to reflect on lessons that we learned from our mothers. Our parents are our first teachers, but unfortunately many of…
A few times each week I lace up my sneakers and run on the treadmill that sits in our basement next to a small half-window. The window faces…
I knew there was a problem when I reached for my phone sitting in my left coat pocket. It hadn’t been ringing. I hadn’t heard the shrill-ish brrriiinnggg of an incoming text. I hadn’t even felt the buzz of a new email. There was no reason to reach for my…
A few weeks ago, I got together with a couple of girlfriends for a weekend of relaxation, creativity, and friendship. After the typical chit-chat and talk about work…
I have been staring at a blank page for the past thirty minutes and I can’t figure out why. I’ve gotten up to get myself not one, but…