


These words have an uncertain future. The letters that are arranged to form the words, that are separated by punctuation in accordance with grammatical rules, have high hopes of becoming representations of thoughts and ideas, hopes and dreams, fears and insecurities. But will these letters and words, commas and periods,…

Have you ever felt like you are just barely keeping your head above water? Like the number of chores and projects on your to-do list are growing at a faster pace than tasks can be crossed off the list? Like you are emotionally, physically, and mentally stretched beyond your capacities?…

The thoughts come to you slowly at first. But soon enough the ideas are bouncing around like tiny white pellets in a pinball machine. The excitement brews, bubbling with anticipation and eagerness. You stare ahead, eyes wide, transfixed by your own novel thoughts and the sheer potential of what might…

That bug.  That nasty, creepy-crawly, disgusting bug. That bug.  That beautiful, golden, iridescently luminous bug. Have you ever noticed how our perspectives on a situation can change given its background, framework, and surroundings? Upon discovering the bug in this photo on the kitchen floor, would you find this bug to…