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I would love to hear from you!


    1. Warren S. Wright Reply

      Loved your “Live Joyfully” from Quest for Meaning—very well written and beneficial!
      Warren S. Wright
      St. George, UT

    2. I’m so glad I found your post today on Zite. I am at my husbands bedside under circumstances not planned for. I’m so glad you chose to write honestly about the photos in your baby book. I understand your experience and in my own way life “does not match up with the photos in the album.”
      You made me feel more acceptable, proud even, of owning my own experience and making it through tough times. I look forward to following you.

      • Christie Reply

        Thanks so much for your kind words, Dianna. I am sorry to hear that your husband is not well. I wish you both peace and comfort. Thanks for following!

    3. I wanted to say thank you for your writing about ppd. I have a newborn, and I adore him but found myself feeling the exact feelings you have felt. I feel sad and wish I could soak him up but at the same time wonder if I am good enough. If all my past will always haunt me and end up haunting him. Anyway thank you very much again it gives me hope to know im not alone.

      • Christie Reply

        I am sorry that you are struggling. You are definitely NOT alone. There is so much help available.

    4. I LOVED your article “20 Things I Don’t Give a F*ck About Anymore” at the Scary Mommy Blog…the reading was so refreshing, uplifting and funny! BIG THANKS FOR WRITING IT it made my day 🙂

    5. I just read your article on the Huff Post about the Republican who wants to force women to carry “dead” babies to term. This is something more and more people need to hear about. I would encourage you to get the word out forcefully. Donald Trump and his ilk will be the death of this country. Keep up the good work.

      A New Fan

    6. Michelle DiGiovanni Reply

      I just have to say I absolutely love your self-description under your name! LOVE IT!! You made me laugh out loud and I am still smiling! Absolutely loved your pictures of the rainbow baby and I cried. 🙂 I am Italian so that’s not hard, but, it is still notable! 🙂 Have an awesome day!


    7. Just a question–I heard your piece in a youtube ad about a mom needing to be proud of her tummy wrinkles and other body “flaws” because of what they represent. It brought tears to my eyes! Is this piece published in one of your books, or can I access it from your website someplace? I would LOVE to share it with my mom friends! Thanks for your reply.

    8. I just read your swearing article on scary mommy. I fucking love to swear and coffee! Awesome article about a different type of mom. Thanks!

    9. Samantha Everett Reply

      Hi Christine,

      I just read your article about the problem in public school funding and you made one point that really stuck with me. There are schools in low income areas that cannot offer the same programs as schools in higher income areas because they don’t have as much money. I believe that all schools should be given the same amount of money per student. All schools should offer the same programs. All schools should be equal. You mention that if we don’t do anything about this then we are the problem. How can we do something about this? Would Betsy care to hear from us? Would our opinion matter to her? Do you know if there is anyone in the government has the power to change this and wants to hear our opinion?

      Thank you,

    10. Regarding your article on Scary Mommy, “As A Mom Of Boys, I Am Worried — And Here’s Why”
      From the bottom of my heart, thank you for writing that. I am a sexual assault survivor and the mother of two girls (I don’t have any sons). This past week has been a nightmare for me. Knowing that there are people like you raising boys gives me more hope today that anything else.

    11. Susan Young Reply

      Good evening Christine,

      I was on the site 220 Communications and I noticed that you are a featured author. Can you please tell me if this is true? Thank you

    12. I just read your piece on Scary Mommy “Why isn’t anyone talking about how confusing your 40’s are?” and holy hell you hit the nail on the head! So cathartic to read, thank you very much.

      • OMG, right? This article was just what I didn’t know I needed to hear.

    13. Thankyou for your mothers day piece, struggling to enjoy the day with my boys, cos i miss their sisters so much I can’t breathe..
      Helps a little to know someone knows I guess

    14. Wow!!! Just absolutely wow!! I’ve been stuck in these years and thought I was the only one. I don’t know how to get through this.. except see myself out of it. Any good advice how to deal with it when no one is willing to stand by your side?

    15. Sorry, I’m referring to the article, “Why isn’t anyone talking about how confusing the 40’s is?”

    16. Christine:

      A friend just shared into my Piloting Your Life FB group your article on why we aren’t talking about how confusing our 40s are. I absolutely agree with everything you had to say. You are not crazy. You are not alone. And we need to be talking about this.

      I am releasing a book on Sunday (9/1/19) called Piloting Your Life to address this very thing. I want to embolden women over the age of 40 to take the controls and be the pilots in their own lives. I also want us to be normalizing the conversations around midlife and shatter the taboos (or fear) around discussing everything from sex, money, relationships, parenting, unhappiness, loss of purpose or meaning, and our health. May I send you a copy of my book?


      P.S. Hang in there! Sending you love because it feels pretty yucky! TM

    17. Quickly looking for a format to tell you I just loved your brilliant Scary Mommy post on fucking swearing! Absolutely delightful, affirming, and jam packed with vocab easter eggs. A dreamy five minute read for me! Signed, 61 year old MN Artist and KickAss Gramma

    18. As a fellow lover of Schitt’s Creek (I saw your post on scarymommy.com), I wanted to let you know that I actually created the book Ted gives Alexis in Season one: “Opening Your Hearts To Animals: A Guide To The Benefits Of Caring For Something Other Than Yourself.”. Check it out on Amazon. Ha ha! Enjoy!

      Keep up the great writing!

    19. Donna Bentley Reply

      I am pretty sure you are psychic and read my mind in your article on confusing 40’s. Like legit my life…. it was kinda freaky.
      I shared with all my early 40 friends. All had the same reaction- I thought I was alone.
      Which is crazy because we really don’t talk about it… not sure why not… maybe not enough opportunities.
      My father passed away last year from Alzheimer’s so I know what you are going through. If you ever want to talk, send me an email. Because it sucks ass.
      Thanks again for bringing attention to this subject!!! Got some of us talking!!!

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