“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.”
— Leonard Cohen
Are you looking to begin, renew, or dig deeper into your writing practice or other creative endeavor? Online writing workshops offer the freedom, accountability, motivation, and inspiration you need to honor your creativity, awaken your senses, and practice your craft.
In Your Mind’s Eye
Upcoming dates to be announced soon
Price: $15 (includes free, signed copy of “Open Boxes”)
Designed with novice writers in mind, this one-week online writing workshop will provide a wide range of daily prompts, including photo prompts provided courtesy of award-winning photographer Angie McMonigal, along with a variety of short writing exercises. Participants can choose to share their work with the online group as they are comfortable. This is not a critiquing workshop, and participants will receive creative inspiration, connection, and encouragement without the fear of criticism.
The group is a casual and flexible way to enhance creativity and inspiration in your daily life, while building friendships, stepping outside your comfort zone, and learning that writing is not something to fear. Rather, with consistent practice, gentle stimulation, and authentic support, writing can be a source of insight, fulfillment, and enjoyment.
Email Christine at [email protected] to register.
Creating Together
Upcoming dates to be announced soon
Price: $25 (includes free, signed copy of “Open Boxes”)
CALLING ALL CREATIVE SOULS! This three-week online creativity workshop will provide a wide range of diverse daily prompts to encourage consistent practice and creative collaboration across a wide range of mediums. Each week participants will receive an email with prompts/exercises for the week, along with words of encouragement and suggested creativity exercises. Participants are encouraged to share their work – whether it is writing, photography, art, poetry, or other medium – with a small online group for support, encouragement, and connection.
Email Christine at [email protected] to register.
Find Yourself through Writing (more information coming soon)
This eight-week online writing workshop will provide a wide range of weekly assignments, along with readings, quotes, photos, and prompts to guide you through each assignment. Participants can complete the assignments at their own pace and choose to share their work with the group as they are comfortable. Topics will include: finding your voice, tapping into your creativity, writing for an audience, editing your work, and finding the time to honor a daily practice.
Dig Deep – Writing as Spiritual Practice (more information coming soon)
This four-week online writing workshop will explore the spiritual practice of writing, with weekly readings, prompts, and exercises.