Last night, I stepped into the bathroom, shut the door, put my head in my hands, and unleashed the loudest silent scream I could muster. What had led to this private tantrum, you might ask? It was nothing in particular, actually, just a typical harried day filled with too much…
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” — Howard Thurman I’ve been a little quiet here this past week. In part, the silence was simply due to a lack of…
I have been struggling for the past few days – and more accurately, the past few hours – to write a new post. The problem isn’t with ideas – those are flowing freely. I’ve got ideas for posts about everything from identity and connection to fear and loneliness percolating in…
Have you ever felt like you are just barely keeping your head above water? Like the number of chores and projects on your to-do list are growing at a faster pace than tasks can be crossed off the list? Like you are emotionally, physically, and mentally stretched beyond your capacities?…