A little more than five years ago, one of my worst fears became a reality and my life was changed. I was changed. There are a million ways that we deal with heartache and disappointment, each personal and unique and almost beyond words. Today I’m over at Mamalode trying to put to put my grief into words in what is probably the most difficult post I have written to date. Below is an excerpt, but you can read more here.
“We buried our sorrows along with those roots and we tried to move on…We shed our tears alone. We rarely talked about it, except in hushed whispers under the cover of darkness. Few people asked, and we didn’t share. Because, really, how could I have explained that the doctors had cut a little piece of my soul out when they used their cold metal tools.”
Please read and share – perhaps it will help someone who has gone through a similar experience. And please, please hug your loved ones tight. Forgive. Say what needs to be said. There is loss, but there is also growth. There is always growth.
1 Comment
I am commenting here b/c I had trouble with Disqus. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know what it’s like. I also had trouble holding my friend’s baby during that time (I had one boy already and had another one after). Beautifully written.