I’m over at my friend Angie’s site today talking about waves and drowning and floating. Those of you who read this blog regularly will know Angie from our semi-weekly Photo Inspiration Challenge, in which I attempt to put words to the breath-taking beauty of her photographs. To me, however, Angie…
Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant? — Henry David Thoreau Way deep down, in one of…
We have become just a little bit obsessed with attaining success. Shows like “Shark Tank” and “The Bachelor” attempt to create everything from successful businesses to successful love…
I close my eyes and inhale… Exhale…This feels so strange. Is this what meditation is about? Am I doing this right? Wait, stop thinking. You’re not supposed to be thinking. You’re supposed to be meditating and clearing your mind. You’re not supposed to be thinking. Just stop thinking. Inhale…Exhale…Inhale…Exhale…My…
That first glimpse of Chicago’s skyline never seems to get old for me. Even after living in the area for more than ten years now, the sight of…
As soon as I walked into my apartment, I threw off my clothes and changed into sweats. I flopped down on the couch and turned on the television…