


Within each day, there is a moment. Some days, it is so hidden that I have to squint to find it. Other days, it is so fleeting that it seems to be over almost before it began. But it is there. Every day, there is that moment. That moment when…

A few weeks ago, I got together with a couple of girlfriends for a weekend of relaxation, creativity, and friendship. After the typical chit-chat and talk about work and children and families, the conversation eventually turned to the topic of dreams. Not the what-goes-on-in-your-head-while-you-sleep kind, but the what-goes-on-in-your-heart kind. As…

Over the past few weeks, I have been working on a resurrected writing project – a task that is likely to continue for several months to come. Whenever I delve into a task as daunting as this one, I look to various sources of creative inspiration and motivation. I read…

“Always keep a bottle of champagne in the fridge for special occasions. Sometimes the special occasion is that you’ve got a bottle of champagne in the fridge.” -Hester Browne There’s this little restaurant in town that I drive past several times a week. It’s nothing extravagant, just a small restaurant…

When my husband and I were first married, each Christmas season we went through the same debate. Real tree or fake? White lights or colored? Coordinated ornaments or a random collection? I, on the one hand, was an emphatic proponent of an artificial tree, one trimmed with white lights and…