“Look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Thus is your time on earth filled with glory.” – Betty Smith (from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn) ************** Books, coffee, and candles = spiritual practice. *********** This photo was taken right after…
A handful of favorite photos for the day’s prompt. Memories, I think, are less about a recollection of facts and more about a stirring up of emotion. So much emotion in all of these photos. ******************* “The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we…
One of my favorite parts of the day is when the kids come home from school. Backpacks = Trust Trust in teachers, trust in my boys, trust in the world. ******************* Me, wearing my mom’s boots as a kid. Each year I find that I am becoming more and more…
What do Star Wars, a minivan, and Shel Silverstein have in common? It sounds a little bit like the start of a bad joke (like one of the “jokes” my four-year-tries to tell), but these things all played a role in this week’s photos for the UU Lenten Photo Practice.…
“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton About five years ago, I sat in church one cold and dreary Sunday morning while our pastor, Jennifer, talked about bridges. I came into church that morning a little lost, a little frustrated, and utterly exhausted. I didn’t really…
I did not plan to write this post. In fact, I had intended to write something very, very different. Given that this weekend marks the winter solstice and this post will also appear on the UU Collective at Patheos, I had wanted to write something poignant and insightful about the…