Photo Credit: Pierre Metivier via Flickr

It’s Monday, y’all! (Like you needed a reminder as you take a sip from your giant mug of coffee.) Well, Monday means another Monday Listicles and this week we’re venting. Stasha at The Good Life set out the topic of “10 most annoying sounds.” I’ve put a little Random Reflectionz spin on it and come up with a list of “10 Words and Phrases That Drive Me Crazy.”

  1. “I’m bored.” Really? Then go color a picture, read a book, tell me a story, build something, paint something, draw something. And, if all else fails, go clean your room.
  2. “It wasn’t me.” Yes, it was. And if it you didn’t directly do it, you were still probably involved in some way.
  3. “I will/would never…” You just never know how you will or would act in a given situation until you are there.
  4. “Inner goddess.” If you read a certain bestselling literary piece of trash, I suspect that you will agree.
  5. “Gnarly.” Just another hipster word used in an attempt to sound, ahem, hip?
  6. “Family values.” This phrase seems to have become synonymous with bigotry, judgment, and criticism, rather than authentic family values like love, empathy, respect, and compassion.
  7. “Mercurial.” See #4.
  8. Tweet.” Try as I might, I just cannot get the hang of Twitter. For me, Facebook is like a dinner party and Twitter is a loud cocktail party. Sure, there might be guests at the Facebook dinner party with odd and questionable over-shares, but at the Twitter cocktail party, I feel like everyone is shouting at each other and that I am eavesdropping on other people’s conversations.
  9. “Networking.” No other word has depersonalized the act of relationship creation more than this word. It institutionalizes personal relationships (whether social or professional) into something stark, mechanical, and devoid of authentic emotion.
  10. “Irregardless.” This is not a word.

What words and phrases drive you crazy?



  1. Elizabeth Derrico

    “No problem.” The correct response to “thank you” is “you’re welcome” or “my pleasure.”

  2. uuggghhh…#4!! Why are these books on the best seller list?!?!

  3. Love your take on the twitter thing and couldn’t agree more! My crazy word in the EMS world is “orientated.” The patient is NOT orientated, they are oriented!

  4. I kind of like Gnarly, irregardless it is a way of sounding hip.

  5. I loved your spin on this! I get bugged by words that aren’t words too (unless I make them up of course). Nucular. And, “to make a long story short” is usually the preface for a really long story.

  6. Reiterate. While technically a word, it is unnecessary. This brings up a whole category of verbal annoyance, the pleonasm.

  7. The Twitter versus Facebook analogy was funny and so true! Great list!

  8. Katherine

    Oh, I have a list for you:

    “It is what it is” – drives me crazzzzzeeeee! No string of 5 words ever meant so little.
    “Shut up” when someone doesn’t believe you. No, I will not shut up and yes, I am telling the truth.
    “Boom!” esp. when uttered by teenagers who are trying to emphasize their point.
    “At the end of the day….” totally overused.

    I could go on and on, but I wouldn’t want to be a blog hog.

    • randomreflectionz

      Oh, yes, “boom” drives me batty too.

  9. Oh how I love your twist on this! I agree with all of these. The family values one especially!

    • randomreflectionz

      Thanks! I really enjoy your lists. They always get me thinking.

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