It’s Monday again and this week I called the topic over at Stasha’s place for her weekly Monday Listicles. If you didn’t read last Monday’s post, the topic is “10 Ways You Are Different Than or the Same as Your Younger Self.”

This topic has always fascinated me. In some ways, I am so different from my adolescent self that I don’t even recognize her. And while I have more in common emotionally and mentally with the Me I was in my 20s, my daily routine has changed so immensely that sometimes I think that we have little, if anything, in common. And for me, that is just fine.

Me on the day of my high school graduation

As I wrote here, we are different people at different times in our lives, with each version being equally necessary to the survival and fulfillment of the whole person.  We grow and learn.  We realize that we are capable of so much more than we ever thought when we are actually confronted with a difficult situation.  And we realize that our ideals and visions for the future must change, grow, and evolve.  We realize that we are capable of so much more than we ever thought possible.

So, while I do miss the innocence of my teens and the carefree revelry of my 20s, I can honestly say that the changes have been for the better. Much better.

10 Ways I Am Different Than My Younger Self

  1. Saturday nights consist of pizza and “Despicable Me” in the family room, instead of fancy dinners and stumbling home from the bars at 3 am.
  2. I am slower to judge or criticize, having been in the dredges of a full-blown, five alarm, middle of Target meltdown.
  3. I am more open-minded in a way that can only come from eating the famous last words of “I would never…” one too many times.
  4. I gave up my 8-can-a-day diet soda habit in favor of a daily pot (not cup, but pot!) of coffee.
  5. I shop at Target and Old Navy, instead of Nordstrom’s and Bloomingdales.
  6. My wardrobe consists almost exclusively of jeans, leggings and yoga pants, instead of conservative business casual attire.
  7. Lunches are stolen bites of macaroni and cheese eaten standing at the kitchen counter, rather than catered business meetings.
  8. I have fewer acquaintances, but more true friends.
  9. I am slightly less confident, fretting about the extra wrinkles, occasionally questionable parenting skills, and my lackluster social life.
  10. I am more confident, knowing – even on the bad days – that I am strong, capable, and loved.

How are you the same as or different than your younger self?



  1. Pingback: The, the more things change the more they stay the same, Monday Listicle | The Bonny Bard

  2. Well, things definitely change! But don’t worry, once your kids go to college, you’ll be back to fancy dinners and stumbling out of bars – or the early bird special 😉

  3. Great topic and great list. I can so relate and I bet, so can a lot of us moms. Target and Kohls are my best friends, that’s for sure!!! And number 9 and 10… so get that. 🙂

    • Christie

      Oh, yes, I totally forgot about Kohl’s!

  4. Perfect Christine. i can relate to so much. i have confidence I never knew I had but worry about the little things that I never did before. Thank you for a wonderful topic, I loved thinking about it.

    • Christie

      You are so welcome. Thank you for including it among your awesome topics.

  5. Christine, thanks for the great topic. I took a look around your blog and it looks like we have a lot in common as far as faith and spirituality. I was raised Lutheran and in my teen and college years had a fundy phase, sort of. Now I’m a member of a very progressive Lutheran-Catholic community that is Reconciling in Christ (the Lutheran church’s organization that embraces GLBT people). My faith and my politics are closely intertwined. It informs who I am. Glad to have discovered your blog!

    • Christie

      Thank you for visiting! And thank you also for sharing a little bit about your faith experiences as well. Hope to see more of you around here 🙂

  6. This is great, and I enjoyed the topic this week. I was just thinking about something similar to #1 this evening, and the fact that I really don’t mind. 🙂

  7. Thanks for the great topic!!! I love Despicable Me and my son watches it a lot. and I totally agree with #2!

  8. Christine, you are wise beyond your years. Such insightful thoughts.

    I could relate to almost your entire list except for the “pot” of coffee and I don’t do macaroni and cheese. ;P Thanks for a great topic!

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