


As a kid, I lived in my swimming suit during the summer. I joined swim team when I was 7 years old so, when I wasn’t running through the sprinkler in the backyard or jumping off the diving board at the outdoor pool, I was in my swimming suit learning…

Writing is oftentimes a solitary – even lonely – activity. Hours are spent in front of an impersonal computer tap-tap-tapping away thoughts and ideas. Conversions exist only in one’s head. And raw emotions manifested on the page are met with silence. But the writers’ world is also one of remarkable…

I am wearing pink today. Or, rather, I was wearing pink yesterday – inadvertently on Wednesday – when I wrote this post. Apparently all the cool girls wear pink on Wednesdays. But, given that I just learned about this trendy spoof from the movie “Mean Girls” nearly nine years after…

Am I a writer? No, I don’t think so. Sure, I write. But, I am not a writer. The others are writers, not me. A writer is the journalist who lives a glamorous lifestyle traversing the globe unearthing gritty stories. A writer is the essayist whose byline appears in glossy…

I recently celebrated my six month Blogoversary and, wouldn’t you know, my website chose that inopportune time to malfunction. So here is take two on my blogoversary post. For those of you who take the time to read my blog – whether regularly, occasionally, or sporadically – thank you, thank…