I had this vision of how it would happen. It would start with a phone call – or maybe an email – at a time when I least expected it. I would take in the news with a mixture of disbelief and detachment, slowly absorbing what it might mean. I…

Within each day, there is a moment. Some days, it is so hidden that I have to squint to find it. Other days, it is so fleeting that…

“Human kindness is overflowing and I think it’s going to rain today.” Lyrics by Randy Newman Some days seem too big, too long, too hard. It seems impossible…

 “I believe in pink.” ― Audrey Hepburn I, too, believe in pink. I also believe in the long, warm days of summer. I believe in children with grass-stained knees and dirty fingernails and twinkly-eyed grins. I believe in mixing play-doh colors and hosting impromptu parties. I believe in chair dancing…

There are mornings, and then there are those mornings. You know the ones? Mornings when time is short, everyone is tired, and moods are tense. There is lots…